Logical Problems Questions and Answers
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Each problem consists of three statements. Based on the first two statements, the third statement may be true, false, or uncertain.
Middletown is north of Centerville.
Centerville is east of Penfield.
Penfield is northwest of Middletown.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option B
Because the first two statements are true, Penfield is west of Centerville and southwest of Middletown.
Therefore, the third statement is false.
All spotted Gangles have long tails.
Short-haired Gangles always have short tails.
Long-tailed Gangles never have short hair.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option C
We know only that long-tailed Gangles have spots.
We cannot know for certain if long-tailed Gangles also have short hair.
All Lamels are Signots with buttons.
No yellow Signots have buttons.
No Lamels are yellow.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option A
We know that there are Signots with buttons, or Lamels, and that there are yellow Signots, which have no buttons.
Therefore, Lamels do not have buttons and cannot be yellow.
The hotel is two blocks east of the drugstore.
The market is one block west of the hotel.
The drugstore is west of the market.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option A
The market is one block west of the hotel.
The drugstore is two blocks west of the hotel, so the drugstore is west of the market.
A toothpick is useful.
Useful things are valuable.
A toothpick is valuable.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
Answer & Explanation:
Answer: Option A
To the extent that a toothpick is useful, it has value.
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